Makes a table string from a 2D array of strings
A stand alone library which parses an array and a set of headers into a text based table
>>> array = [
>>> ["Title", "Description"],
>>> ["Macbeth", "A play by Shakespear"]
>>> ]
>>> print(tableparse.tablify(array))
║Title ║Description ║
║Macbeth║A play by Shakespeare║
pip install tableparse
import tableparse
array = [
["Name", "Description", "URL"],
["TableParse", "A stand alone table generators", ""],
["JSChess", "A stand alone JS chess implementation", ""],
["Dijkstra Pathfinding", "An implementation of Dijkstra's pathfinding algorithm", ""]
result = tableparse.tablify(array)
Turns a 2D array into a table string
length = 2000
result = tableparse.tablify_str(array, length)
Returns a list of strings containing a table split in the ‘length’ characters
inv_array = tableparse.inv_array(array)
result = tableparse.tablify(inv_array)
Flips an array’s columns and rows